Infinity Anti-Aging Day Serum SPF 30

Infinity Anti-Aging Day Serum SPF 30

Dermatology Dermocosmetics – Skincare Anti -aging
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Infinity anti-aging day serum with its anti-oxidant properties, is the ultimate advanced skin perfector, hydrating the outer skin surface, improving microcirculation and tissue oxygenation, and protecting skin against broad spectrum sunrays due to its SPF 30 property. This anti-aging serum, formulated with a blend of Elix-ir™, Hyaluronic acid, in addition to Collagen, help reduce the appearance of light wrinkles and dehydration while boosting the skin’s natural defenses.

Infinity Anti-Aging Serum Day could also be used as a makeup primer due to its light-weighted formula.


Product indications

Elix-IR™ is a natural botanical extract of knotgrass rich in flavonoids capable to fight Infra’Aging™
Elix-IR™ helps reduce the signs of photoaging and the appearance of wrinkles
Promotes Healthier, More Supple Skin
Skin surface hydration
Protecting skin against broad-spectrum sun rays
Provides anti-oxidant benefits
Can help boost collagen production
Helps draw and retain moisture

Product features

Elix-ir™ – Hyaluronic Acid – Collagen – Vitamin E – Caffeine – Allantoin – Caviar Extract – Niacinamide – Papaya Extract – Licorice Extract

Instructions for use

Apply generously every morning after cleansing over the face and neck.

Infinity anti-aging day serum with its anti-oxidant properties, is the ultimate advanced skin perfector, hydrating the outer skin surface, improving microcirculation and tissue oxygenation, and protecting skin against broad spectrum sunrays due to its SPF 30 property. This anti-aging serum, formulated with a blend of Elix-ir™, Hyaluronic acid, in addition to Collagen, help reduce the appearance of light wrinkles and dehydration while boosting the skin’s natural defenses.

Infinity Anti-Aging Serum Day could also be used as a makeup primer due to its light-weighted formula.


Product indications

Elix-IR™ is a natural botanical extract of knotgrass rich in flavonoids capable to fight Infra’Aging™
Elix-IR™ helps reduce the signs of photoaging and the appearance of wrinkles
Promotes Healthier, More Supple Skin
Skin surface hydration
Protecting skin against broad-spectrum sun rays
Provides anti-oxidant benefits
Can help boost collagen production
Helps draw and retain moisture

Product features

Elix-ir™ – Hyaluronic Acid – Collagen – Vitamin E – Caffeine – Allantoin – Caviar Extract – Niacinamide – Papaya Extract – Licorice Extract

Instructions for use

Apply generously every morning after cleansing over the face and neck.

سيرم النهار المضاد لعلامات تقدم السن من إنفينيتي هو أفضل منتج متطور للبشرة. بفضل خصائصه المضادة للأكسدة، يرطب سطح الجلد الخارجي وينشط الدم في الأوعية الدقيقة كما يساعد في وصول الأكسجين للأنسجة ويحمي البشرة من أشعة الشمس لوجود مادة Elixir IR ™  بالأضافة الي حمض الهيالورونيك والكولاجين.

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