Infinity Top Hair Treatment Ampoules

Infinity Top Hair Treatment Ampoules

Dermatology Dermocosmetics – Skincare Haircare/ hairloss
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Our Top Hair ampules is a  hair loss treatment that will assist with stopping hair loss, strengthening follicles, and providing your hair with density, thickness, and higher resistance.

Top Hair ampoules is a unique blend of natural ingredients that help to restore shine, improve the condition of the hair and scalp, boost hair growth, and provide nutrients for healthy hair. Our advanced formula is yet for restoring your hair and scalp. A combination of Capsicum Garlic Extract, Procapil® besides Phytessence™

Top hair loss treatment aids in Boosting new hair growth by up to 121% also reducing hair loss by 58%.

Product indications

Decreasing hair loss.
Hair thickness and higher resistance.
Antimicrobial properties that help kill bacteria and germs.
Help purify the hair follicles and prevent pore clogging to prevent hair loss.
Encourage cell turnover, reduce inflammation as well as boost hair growth.
Product features

Capsicum Garlic Extract – Vital Hair & Scalp Complex – Phytessence™- Vitamin B6 – Procapil®

Instructions for use

Apply the ampoule every other day to the scalp and massage it gently. Do not rinse.

تساعد أمبولات الشعر في إيقاف تساقط الشعر وتقوية البصيلات وتزويد شعرك بكثافة وسمك ومقاومة أعلى.

تعزيز نمو الشعر الجديد بنسبة تصل إلى 121٪ مع تقليل تساقط الشعر بنسبة 58٪.

دواعي الاستعمال:

تقليل تساقط الشعر.
زيادة سماكة الشعر وتعزيز مقاومته.
المكونات الفعالة:

مستخلص الفليفلة والثوم – مركب حيوي للشعر وفروة الرأس – فيتيسينس – فيتامين ب 6 – بروكابيل

كيفية الاستخدام:

يوضع يوميا على فروة الرأس ويدلك برفق لا يشطف.